The company “Kamensk transport engineering plant“ (KTEP) began its history in 2013, on the territory of the former oao" Kamenskiy mashinostroitelniy zavod".
In the period from 2013 to 2015 was produced beginning in the reconstruction of the production and living facilities. The production facilities are equipped with gas infrared heating. Refurbished electric power substations with increased resolving power of up to 6 MW. All production sites and storage facilities are equipped with the грузоподъемными devices and mechanisms.
Since the end of 2013 the company began equipping technological equipment. Well coordinated work of all departments allowed carrying out the works of production startup as soon as possible, at least three months ahead of schedule.
In august 2014 the company produced the first batch products. It was decided to split the company into three independent productions in october 2014.
In october 2014 was established the production of electrical machinery and apparatus (PEMA) and the production of gears and gearwheels (PGG). In january 2015 was established the production of plastic details (PPD).
Since its inception, the company has embarked on the import replacement products for locomotives railways of the Russian Federation. During the year it was certified and put into batch production of more than 40 kinds of products.
In 2014, the company has implemented a quality management system (QMS), which has been certified for compliance with international standards GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001: 2008).
To ensure the quality of products manufactured at the plant in spring of 2015 has been certified the laboratory of nondestructive testing and was received a conventional number of enterprises for marking critical parts for railway transportation of the CIS countries, namely, gear rims, gears and transmission gears traction of rolling stock.