"The development of the company - the main task of leadership."
Credit to businesses:
- modern approach to production management;
- improvement of product quality control
- expansion of the product range
To achieve and maintain the highest customer satisfaction through high quality products supplied at a reasonable price through constant innovation and improvement of production technology, the development potential of each employee and the organization as a whole.
"The mission is realized on the basis of personal involvement and responsibility of each employee to ensure the full satisfaction of our customers."
1. We aim to contribute to the success of our customers in a timely manner by supplying them a product that meets their needs and projected needs.
- It means that we try to best meet the needs of our customers, by analyzing the results of the use of products, constantly studying the needs of consumers, reacting quickly to changes in market conditions and rapidly passing the required products to consumers.
"We - the organization, focused on the consumer."
2. We envisage increasing the effectiveness of measures to ensure product quality at the stages of its life cycle and confirmation of compliance of the QMS requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011.
- This means that we are willing to constantly improve our work, to be able to meet the constantly changing demands of our customers.
"We recognize the need to implement the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011."
3. We seek to maximize the full and effective use of their human, material and financial resources.
- This means that we are committed to continuously improve the profitability of our organization by reducing, and in the future - the complete elimination of all kinds of losses.
"We - effective organization."
4. We are committed to improving the quality by providing continuous professional growth of each employee, increasing personal interest and responsibility of staff.
-This Means that we will organize its activities in such a way that each employee had incentives to lifelong learning and skills development, effective participation in teamwork and the development of new technologies.
"We - the learning organization."
5. The ultimate goal of the implementation of our Quality Policy - the rise of economic well-being of each employee on the basis of high production standards, ensuring high quality output.
- This means that we will improve our quality management system, based on the orientation of the level of leading organizations and firms.
"We are working on lifting the economic well-being of every employee."